We still have a couple of PHD quotas to admit student in 2024 and early 2025! Please contact me if you would like to elevate yourself to a better version.
With a strong belief in interdisciplinary research in electrical, mechanical and biomedical engineering, we innovate and integrate the cutting-edge techniques from different areas to invent enabling tools and technology. The MARs lab shares a culture of being radically open-minded and transparent. If you are interested in our research, please contact us. Collaborations and generous donations are needed to “create a better world together with smarter robots”.
All talented and enthusiastic individuals with strong academic background are encouraged to apply for our Ph.D. program. Better opportunities will be given to students with a high GPA and/or multiple peer-reviewed international journal publications.
Admission time: flexible.
To apply for a graduate student position (1. computer vision and robotics; 2. mechatronics)
Robotics: Strong experience in computer vision (real-time image processing), robotic control, and software development skills.
Smart Sensor and Actuators: Experience in device design and microfabrication and experience in building circuits and embedded control systems.
To apply, please send your CV and transcripts to Prof. Jun Liu by email (djliu@hku.hk). Other optional materials include a research statement and reference letters that are sent by referees to us directly.
Please do NOT leave your message directly on our website to apply for positions.
