The following materials include research papers that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal use of these materials is permitted. However, permission to reprint or republish any copyrighted components must be obtained from the publisher.
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Peer-reviewed Journal Papers
T. Wu, K. Shang, W. Dai, M. Wang, R. Liu, J. Zhou, and J. Liu, “High-resolution cross-scale transformer: A deep learning model for bolt loosening detection based on monocular vision measurement,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 133, Part F, p. 108574, Jul. 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2024.108574
R. Liu, W. Dai, C. Wu, T. Wu, M. Wang, J. Zhou, X. Zhang, W. J. Li, and J. Liu, “Deep Learning-Based Microscopic Cell Detection Using Inverse Distance Transform and Auxiliary Counting,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 6092-6104, Oct. 2024, doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2024.3417229.
K. Shang, T. Wu, X. Jin, Z. Zhang, C. Li, R. Liu, M. Wang, W. Dai, and J. Liu*, "Coaxiality prediction for aero-engines precision assembly based on geometric distribution error model and point cloud deep learning," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, vol. 71, pp. 681 - 694, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2023.10.017. IF: 12.1
Z.R. Zhang, C.S. Dai, J. Huang, X. wang, J. Liu, C.H. Ru, H.Y. Pu, S.R. Xie, J.Y. Zhang, S. Moskovtsev, C. Librach, K. Jarvi, and Yu Sun, "Robotic immobilization of motile sperm for clinical intracytoplasmic sperm injection," IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 444-452, Feb. 2019
W. Johnson, C. Dai, J. Liu, X. Wang, D. K. Luu, Z. Zhang, C. Ru, C. Zhou, M. Tan, H. Pu, S. Xie, Y. Peng, J. Luo, and Y. Sun, "A Flexure-Guided Piezo Drill for Penetrating the Zona Pellucida of Mammalian Oocytes," IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 678 - 686, 2018, doi: 10.1109/TBME.2017.2713302.
P. Sharma, C. Abbasi, S. Lazic, A.C. Teng, D. Wang, N. Dubois, V. Ignatchenko, V. Wong, J. Liu, T. Araki, M. Tiburcy, C. Ackerley, W. H. Zimmermann, R. Hamilton, Y. Sun, P. P. Liu, G. Keller, I. Stagljar, I. C. Scott, T. Kislinger, and A. O. Gramolini, "Evolutionarily conserved intercalated disc protein Tmem65 regulates cardiac conduction and connexin 43 function.," Nature Communications, vol. 6, p. 8391, 2015.
V. Siragam, X. Cui, S. Masse, C. Ackerley, S. Aafaqi, L. Strandberg, M. Tropak, M. D. Fridman, K. Nanthakumar, J. Liu, Y. Sun, B. Su, C. Wang, X. Liu, Y. Yan, A. Mendlowitz, and R. M. Hamilton, "Tmem43 mutation p.s358l alters intercalated disc protein expression and reduces conduction velocity in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy," PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. e109128, 2014.
Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
W.Dai, Z.Wu, J.Wang, R.Liu, M.Wang, T.Wu, J.Zhou, Z.Zhang, and J.Liu,“AutomatedNon- invasive Analysis of Motile Sperms Using Cross-scale Guidance Network,” in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. pp. 17708-17714, IEEE, 2024. (ICRA 2024)
W. Dai, Z. Wu, R. Liu, J. Zhou, M. Wang, T. Wu, and J. Liu, “SoSegFormer: A Cross-scale Feature Correlated Network for Small Medical Object Segmentation,” in IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. pp. 1-4, IEEE, 2024. (ISBI 2024)
J. Zhou, R. Liu, M. Wang, T. Wu, W. Dai, X. Zhang, and J. Liu*, “SonicPlex: Simultaneous Arrangement of Massive Particles through a Simple Acoustic Micromanipulation Platform,” in 2023 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS), 2023, pp. 1–6.
J.Q. Yin, J. Liu, J.Y. Wang and J. Liu, Multi-task Learning Network for CT Whole Heart Segmentation, in 2023 IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems, Jul. 2023.
M. Wang, K. Y. Leung, R. Liu, S. Song, Y. Yuan, J. Yin, M. Q. H. Meng, and J. Liu, “Dynamic tracking for microrobot with active magnetic sensor array,” in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 7288-7294, Xi'an, China, 2021.
C. Qi, J. Yin, H. Liu, and J. Liu, “Neighborhood Spatial Aggregation based Efficient Uncertainty Estimation for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation,” in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 14025-14031, Xi'an, China, 2021.
Y. Dang, F. Yang, B. Su, J. Yin, and J. Liu, “DBNet : A New Generalized Structure Efficient for Classification”, in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO, pp. 2169-2174, Dali, China, 2019.
S. J. Jang, J. Liu, G. Singh, Al’Aref, A. Caprio, A. A. Moghadam, S. C. Wong, J. Min, S. Dunham and B. Mosadegh, "Augmented Reality Guidance for Transcatheter Septal Puncture Procedure in Structural Heart Interventions", American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2019, Philadelphia, United States, Nov. 16-18, 2019.
J. Liu, G. Singh, S.J. Al'Aref, A. Caprio, J.K. Min, S. Dunham, and B. Mosadegh, “Registration of Fluoroscopy and CT Images for Augmented Reality Assisted Percutaneous Cardiac Interventions”, in Proceedings of the 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Honolulu, HI, U.S., 2018.
Z.R. Zhang, C.S. Dai, J. Huang, X. Wang, J. Liu, J.Y. Zhang, S. Moskovtsev, C. Librach, K. Jarvi, and Y Sun, “Robotic Immobilization of Motile Sperm”, in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1-6, Queensland, Australia, 2018.
X. Wang, M. Luo, H. Wu, Z.R. Zhang, J. Liu, Z.S. Xu, W. Johnson, Y. Sun, “Three-Dimensional Robotic Control of a 5-Micrometer Magnetic Bead for Intra-Embryonic Navigation and Measurement”, in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1-6, Singapore, 2017.
J. Liu, Z. Zhang, H. Tao, J. Ge, H. Liu, J. Wen, S. Hopyan, S. Xie, and Y. Sun, “Robotic Fluidic Jet for Automated Cellular and Intracellular Mechanical Characterization,” in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), pp. 1-6, Ningbo, China, 2016. (Gaitech Best Paper in Robotics Award)
Z. Zhang, J. Liu, J. Meriano, C. Ru, S. Xie, J. Luo, and Y. Sun, “An automated system for investigating sperm orientation in fluid flow,” in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 3661–3666, Stockholm, 2016.
J. Liu, Chaoyang Shi, Jun Wen, D. Pyne, Haijiao Liu, C. Ru, and Y. Sun, “Automated robotic vitrification of embryos,” in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 2685–2690, Seattle, US, 2015.
Jun Wen*, J. Liu*, K. Lau, Haijiao Liu, S. Hopyan, and Y. Sun, “Automated micro-aspiration of mouse embryo limb bud tissue,” in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 2667–2672, Seattle, US, 2015. (*Authors contributed equally)
J. Liu, V. Siragam, Z. Gong, J. Chen, C. Leung, Z. Lu, C. H. Ru, S. R. Xie, J. Luo, R. Hamilton, and Y. Sun, “Automated microrobotic characterization of cell-cell communication,” in 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 469–474, Hong Kong, 2014. (Best Student Paper Award Winner & Best Manipulation Paper Award Finalist)
J. Ge, Z. Gong, J. Chen, J. Liu, J. Nguyen, Z. Y. Yang, C. Wang, and Y. Sun, “A system for automated counting of fetal and maternal red blood cells in clinical KB test,” in 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1706–1711, Hong Kong, 2014. (Best Medical Robotics Paper Finalist)
Z. Gong, B. K. Chen, J. Liu, C. Zhou, D. Anchel, X. Li, D. P. Bazett-Jones, and Y. Sun, “Correlative microscopy for nanomanipulation of sub-cellular structures,” in 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 5209–5214, Hong Kong, 2014.
D. G. Pyne*, J. Liu*, M. Abdelgawad, and Y. Sun, “Automated vitrification of mammalian embryos on a digital microfluidic device,” in 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), pp. 829–832, 2014. (*Authors contributed equally)
J. Liu, Z. Gong, K. Tang, Z. Lu, and Y. Sun, “Locating end-effector tips in automated micromanipulation,” in 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1724–1729, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013. (Nominated for Best Student Paper Award)
Z. Gong, B. K. Chen, J. Liu, and Y. Sun, “Automated nanoprobing under scanning electron microscopy,” in 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1433–1438. Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013.
H. Liu, J. Wen, J. Liu, S. Hopyan, C. Simmons, and Y. Sun, “Mechanical characterization of cancer cell nuclei in situ,” in the 9th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS), pp. 669–673, Hawaii, US, 2014.
L. MacQueen, Z. Gong, B.K. Chen, J. Liu, H.J. Liu, C.A. Simmons, and Y. Sun, "Natural leaf replicas to study cell contact guidance," The 17th International Conf. on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS), Freiburg, Germany, Oct. 27-31, 2013.
J. Liu, C. Leung, Z. Lu, and Y. Sun, "Analyzing sperm velocity and tail behavior for automated sperm selection," 13th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER), 2012.